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Watson College of Education >> National Board - Maintenance of Certification
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National Board - Maintenance of Certification

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Start Date : 10/10/24

Fee: $40.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Description : Agenda items for renewal support workshops include an overview of the NEW process and expectations, a self-examination of professional growth experiences, a rev...  (More)

Start date: 02/18/25

End date: 02/18/25

Tue 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (2/18/2025)

Class ID: 1927

Fee: $15.00

Start date: 01/14/25

End date: 01/14/25

Tue 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (1/14/2025)

Class ID: 1926

Fee: $15.00

Start date: 03/18/25

End date: 03/18/25

Tue 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (3/18/2025)

Class ID: 1928

Fee: $15.00

Start date: 10/10/24

End date: 10/10/24

Thu 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (10/10/2024)

Class ID: 1925

Fee: $15.00