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Active and Outdoors

Please click on the course title to see the full course description.

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Start date: 04/21/25

End date: 05/15/25

Weekly - Mon, Thu 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (4/21/2025-5/15/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This course meets in person.

Class ID: 2198

Fee: $48.00

Start date: 01/28/25

End date: 04/03/25

Weekly - Tue, Thu 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM (1/28/2025-4/3/2025)

Class ID: 2054

Fee: $185.00


Start date: 04/16/25

End date: 04/16/25

Wed 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (4/16/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2115

Fee: $105.00

Start date: 04/24/25

End date: 04/24/25

Thu 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (4/24/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2116

Fee: $105.00

Start date: 01/22/25

End date: 03/12/25

Weekly - Wed 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (1/22/2025-3/12/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2129

Fee: $99.00


Start date: 04/25/25

End date: 05/09/25

Weekly - Fri 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (4/25/2025-5/9/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2139

Fee: $45.00

Start date: 05/21/25

End date: 05/21/25

Wed 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (5/21/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2140

Fee: $59.00

Start date: 02/05/25

End date: 03/28/25

Weekly - Wed, Fri 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (2/5/2025-3/28/2025)

Please read: ONLINE: This Program will meet over Zoom.

Class ID: 2058

Fee: $185.00

Call 910-962-2792 to register

Start date: 04/04/25

End date: 04/04/25

Fri 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (4/4/2025)

Please read: Please bring plug-in earbuds or headphones ...More

Class ID: 2113

Fee: $15.00

Start date: 04/28/25

End date: 04/28/25

Mon 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (4/28/2025)

Please read: Please bring plug-in earbuds or headphones ...More

Class ID: 2114

Fee: $15.00

Start date: 03/11/25

End date: 04/01/25

Weekly - Tue 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (3/11/2025-4/1/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2136

Fee: $60.00

Start date: 03/26/25

End date: 05/14/25

Weekly - Wed 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (3/26/2025-5/14/2025)

Please read: IN PERSON: This program meets in person.

Class ID: 2130

Fee: $99.00