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Memory and Metaphor

ID : 2208   
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This multi-genre writing course 
explores the intricacies of memory 
and the naturally occurring 
metaphors that create an abiding 
image in flash forms, poetry, memoir 
and more. The course allows 
participants to create and share work 
in a supportive environment. Writing 
prompts and reading samples in an 
interactive class setting encourage 
meaningful exchange among writers 
from any background or experience.

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Wed

Truist Hall

Margo Williams 



Please read:  IN PERSON: This class meets in person.



Registration Closes On
Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/17/2025 - 3/31/2025 Weekly - Mon, Wed 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM Wilmington, Truist Hall  Map Margo Williams 

Other Class Offerings

Self-Publishing Simplified
ID: 2075

04/15/25 - 05/06/25
Weekly - Tue

OLLI Building

Laurel Senick