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Yoga: East and West

ID : 2164   
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This course examines the philosophy 
and practice of yoga from its 
inception in India to its global 
variations in the present day. How do 
contemporary forms of yoga connect 
to premodern forms developed in 
India? What are the similarities and 
differences between yoga traditions? 
We explore early yoga traditions as 
well as the development of modern 
postural yoga in India and the West 
and trace the history of yoga from 
ancient texts like the Yoga Sutra 
to modern practices developed 
by innovators such as Bikram and 
Iyengar. This course does not include 
physical yoga practice.
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Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

NA - Online

Beverley McGuire 



Please read:  ONLINE: This class meets on Zoom.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/5/2025 - 2/26/2025 Weekly - Wed 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM N/A - Online Beverley McGuire 

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