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Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards

ID : 1466   
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In this course you will learn a number of factors that contributed to the overall design of the Common Core Standards as well as practical pedagogical approaches that will support practitioners working toward deeper implementation. We will reflect on the instructional “shifts” emphasized throughout the Common Core Standards and contextualize the shifts based on the diverse population of students course participants serve. Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards will also provide connections to a variety of instructional considerations that will support implementation regardless of educational context. Practitioners will be provided opportunities to reflect on current practice and the degree to which they align with the Common Core Standards as well as with colleagues across a wide range of settings implementing these standards. 4.5 CEUs

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Class Details

0 Session(s)

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CEUs : 4.5

Start Date:upon registration



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
N/A - Online

Other Class Offerings

Teaching Diversity
ID: 1461

StartDate: upon registration


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