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The GATE Model Course

ID : 1472   
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The GATE Model: an Interactive Tool for Addictions Assessment and Person-Centered Planning 

Working with individuals suffering from addictive illness has become increasingly challenging, as professionals operate within a patchwork quilt of public, private, and community resources. In response to the national opioid crisis, the task of finding a common language between clinicians, agencies, clients, and support systems is increasingly important to treatment outcomes. 

The GATE Model is a user-friendly, addictions-specific tool that enhances the options available to the professional, for the assessment of clients in diverse settings, and the creation of Person-Centered Plans (PCP). Developed for the Masters of Social Work curriculum of the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, School of Social Work, the GATE Model is an interactive, graphic tool that simplifies the process of identifying needs and allocating resources, within the continuum of care. 

Participants will consider the Syndrome Model (Shaffer, et al, 2004), as they examine the GATE Model’s focus on Genetics, Access, Trauma, and Environment, in the dynamics of observed risk factors for addiction. Practical applications of the GATE Model will be explored, with emphasis on assessment and treatment planning. 

Web-based content is presented through the Canvas platform, allowing user-friendly access to all course materials. Nineteen sequential modules offer a 5-10 minute audio lecture with accompanying Powerpoint slides and pre/post-test questions , for a time-effective interactive experience that is compatible with the schedule of any professional. 

This course has been approved  by the UNCW School of Social Work and the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board for the following:

6 Social Work CEs 
6 General Skill Building CEs North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board (NCASPPB)

Participants ae responsible for uploading their own continuing education hours and documents into their application through the Social Work Board and NCSAPP.  Each individual will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course. 


Class Details

0 Session(s)

NA - Online

Tab Ballis 

Start Date:upon registration



Registration Closes On
Saturday, November 1, 2025 @ 2:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
N/A - Online Tab Ballis