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Friday Forum

ID : 2057   
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The Friday Forum is a program for individuals who seek collaborative learning experiences and informed discussions. Each group member is a vital contributor to the Forum and is encouraged to lead a session every few semesters. The objective is to have group members increase their knowledge of significant issues facing us in the 21st century. 

Feb. 7 Advances in Nuclear Safety 
Gary Miller discusses the evolution of passive safety and human performance features as they apply to operating the next generation of nuclear power plants. 
Feb. 21 Ethical Dilemmas  
Many of our individual and societal decisions contain ethical dilemmas. What does modern ethical theory say about the foundations of ethics? What can guide us in a world burdened with both indecision and dogmatic certainty??Michael Werner leads the discussion.  
March 7 We the People”: Common Sense, The Common Good and The Constitution  
With the help of several books, including retired Justice Stephen Breyer’s Reading the Constitution, Clausten Jenkins leads a discussion of the pros and cons of the originalism approach to interpreting The Constitution. We then consider whether it’s time to return to an approach more consistent with our founders’ purpose. 
March 21 Supreme Court Decisions  
Many Supreme Court decisions have impacted our society and our personal lives, including rulings on voting rights, money in politics, gun rights, same-sex marriage and abortion rights. Rich Cooper discusses select major cases, giving participants a chance to offer their personal opinions. 
April 4 Firebombing during World War II 
England and America conducted numerous bombing raids during WWII, but none of them were as destructive as firebombing raids. In this presentation, Michael Thorn examines three of the greatest firebombing raids during the war in terms of their execution and results. 

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly(2) - Fri

OLLI Building

TBD Instructor 



Please read:  IN-PERSON: this class meets in person



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
2/7/2025 - 4/4/2025 Weekly(2) - Fri 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Wilmington, OLLI Building  Map TBD Instructor 

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Call 910-962-3195 to register
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TBD Instructor

Call 910-962-3195 to register
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