A forum for OLLI members to connect with interesting regional women to discuss meaningful subjects.
Women on Wednesdays meets at the Terraces on Sir Tyler (1826 Sir Tyler Dr., Wilmington, 28405) and at the Cameron Art Museum; please note the location accompanying each description.
February 5 Understanding Our Southern Border: Policies, Personal Experiences and What’s Ahead
Amanda Boomershine, UNCW Spanish professor and co-leader of the Latino Alliance of southeastern NC, describes the state of our southern border. She explains current and past border policies, shares personal stories of those who have crossed the border and discusses changes Americans can anticipate under a new administration. This program takes place at the Terraces on Sir Tyler.
February 19 What’s in a Name? How Much Does a Name Influence our Perceptions?
Jane K. Brody, Ph.D., RN, former professor of nursing and long-time WOW member, provides insights into how the assignment of names, labels or titles reflects the underlying power dynamics of society. No matter what the name, they tap into our subconscious and our prejudices. She gives examples of how the cyclical pattern of naming further alters societal perceptions. This program takes place at the Terraces on Sir Tyler.
March 5 The Power of Prediction
Ella Tansey, WECT 6 meteorologist, shares an overview of the fundamentals of meteorology and explains how forecasts are developed in the modern age. She also emphasizes the vital role meteorologists play in protecting communities. This program takes place at the Cameron Art Museum.
March 19 Women Shaping Israeli Politics
Carole Fink, Ph.D., former member of the UNCW history department and Humanities Distinguished Professor of History Emerita at The Ohio State University, looks at the achievements of several Israeli women who are following in the footsteps of the famed prime minister Golda Meir and the commanding activists Shulamit Aloni and Yael Dayan. The women she presents are making significant contributions to Israel’s largely male-dominated political environment. This program takes place at the Cameron Art Museum.
April 2 Native Treasures: Exploring the Resilience and Beauty of Southeastern North
Carolina’s Flora
Gabriella de Souza, educator and ecologist, takes us on an in-depth journey through the native plants of southeastern North Carolina. She helps us discover the ecological importance of these species, their historical uses by indigenous communities and their contribution to the biodiversity of local ecosystems. She highlights the integration of native plants into gardens and landscapes to support wildlife and promote sustainability of our region’s flora. This program takes place at the Terraces at Sir Tyler.
April 16 The Bellamy Mansion Museum: Where Preservation Meets Education
Jen Fenninger, director of education at the Bellamy Mansion Museum, offers a lens into Wilmington from the Civil War era to today. She tells stories about the lives of the many people who have lived and worked at the Bellamy site. She describes the preservation of the Bellamy Mansion and slave quarters and their continuing role in educating visitors to deepen their understanding of our shared history. This program takes place at the Cameron Art Museum.